邀请所有 55 岁以上的乐龄朋友。欢迎您在早晨到好趣处来享受活动乐趣。免费加入。

Inviting all seniors above 55 years of age. Come in the mornings to The Friend Space for fun activities. Free-to-join.

The Friend Space is a space to
  • connect, share interests, have conversations, and build relationships
  • relax on a busy day, to speak to someone, to do your homework, to hangout with friends
  • learn some life hacks and courses to enrich your life
This is a space for everyone in the community. Besides offering a conducive environment for studying and relaxing, we offer free events run by volunteers and subsidised events run by our community of experts. Be sure to check back this page for what’s coming up or connect with us on socials for upcoming events. 

每个星期二 (免费) Every Tuesday (free)

10am 健身操 排舞 Exercise Line dance

11am 游戏 Boardgames

尤克里里琴课程 Ukulele lessons

阅读报纸 Newspaper reading